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What Should You Do If Your Invisalign Aligner Is Cutting Your Gums?

May 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — galleria @ 8:56 am

Experiencing discomfort with your Invisalign aligners can be frustrating, especially when it involves irritation to your gums. Whether it’s a sharp edge or improper fit, aligner-induced gum irritation is a common issue faced by many Invisalign wearers. Understanding the root cause of aligner-induced gum irritation is the first step towards finding relief.

From assessing the fit of your aligners to exploring remedies for immediate comfort, we’ll explore actionable steps to alleviate discomfort and restore your confidence in wearing Invisalign. In this blog, we’ll delve into practical solutions to address gum irritation caused by Invisalign aligners, empowering you to navigate this aspect of your orthodontic journey with ease.

So, if you’re struggling with gum irritation from your aligners, read on to discover effective strategies for managing this issue and enjoying a more comfortable orthodontic experience.

Understanding Invisalign Aligner Irritation

Experiencing gum irritation while wearing Invisalign aligners is a common issue that can arise due to various factors. Here’s a closer look at this discomfort and why it’s essential to address it promptly:

Aligner-Induced Gum Irritation:

Aligner-induced gum irritation refers to discomfort or soreness experienced in the gums due to friction or pressure exerted by Invisalign aligners. This irritation may manifest as redness, swelling, or even small cuts or sores along the gumline.

Importance of Prompt Discomfort Addressing:

Addressing gum irritation promptly is crucial to prevent further discomfort and potential complications. Ignoring gum irritation can lead to worsening discomfort, difficulty wearing aligners, and even interfere with your orthodontic treatment progress.

Assessing the Fit of Your Invisalign Aligners

Ensuring proper fit is crucial for preventing gum irritation while wearing Invisalign aligners. Here’s why aligner fit matters and how to assess it at home:

Significance of Proper Aligner Fit:

  • Properly fitting aligners exert uniform pressure on teeth, reducing the risk of irritation to the gums.
  • Poorly fitting aligners can rub against the gums, causing friction and discomfort.

Tips for Assessing Aligner Fit:

  • Check for any gaps between the aligner and your teeth, which could indicate improper fit.
  • Ensure that the aligner fits snugly around your teeth without any noticeable gaps or loose areas.
  • Pay attention to any sharp edges or rough spots on the aligner that may irritate your gums.

Remedies for Immediate Relief

When dealing with gum irritation caused by Invisalign aligners, immediate relief is often sought. Here are some temporary solutions to alleviate discomfort until a more permanent fix can be implemented:

Temporary Solutions:

  • Dental Wax: Applying dental wax to the edges of the aligners can provide a smooth barrier between the aligner and the gums, reducing friction and irritation.
  • Orthodontic Silicone: Similar to dental wax, orthodontic silicone can be applied to rough areas of the aligner to cushion and protect the gums.
  • Saltwater Rinse: Rinsing your mouth with a saltwater solution can help soothe irritated gums and promote healing. Simply dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and swish it around your mouth for about 30 seconds before spitting it out.

Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers:

Taking over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help alleviate gum discomfort and reduce inflammation.

Adjusting Aligner Wear Schedule:

If the irritation persists, consider wearing your aligners for shorter periods or taking breaks throughout the day to give your gums a rest.

Proper Oral Hygiene:

Maintaining good oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing regularly, can help prevent further irritation and promote gum health.

These temporary remedies can provide immediate relief from gum irritation caused by Invisalign aligners. However, it’s essential to address any persistent discomfort or fit issues by consulting your orthodontist.

Seeking Professional Help

For persistent discomfort or unresolved fit issues with your Invisalign aligners, it’s crucial to seek assistance from your Invisalign provider. Here’s why professional help is essential and what you can expect during your consultation:

Importance of Consulting Your Invisalign Provider:

Your Invisalign provider is trained to assess and address any issues related to your aligner treatment. Seeking professional help ensures that any underlying problems causing gum irritation are properly diagnosed and treated.

Potential Adjustments or Refinements:

Your provider may recommend adjustments to your current aligners to improve fit and reduce gum irritation. In some cases, refinements may be necessary to make minor corrections to your treatment plan and alleviate discomfort.

Follow-Up Care:

After addressing your concerns, your provider will monitor your progress and make any necessary modifications to ensure optimal comfort and treatment outcomes. Consulting your Invisalign provider for persistent discomfort demonstrates your commitment to achieving a comfortable and successful orthodontic experience. Don’t hesitate to reach out for professional assistance when needed.

Adjusting Your Invisalign Routine

To alleviate gum irritation caused by Invisalign aligners, consider making adjustments to your daily routine:

Wearing Schedule:

  • Gradually increase the time you wear your aligners each day to allow your gums to adapt gradually.
  • If discomfort persists, try wearing your aligners for shorter periods or taking breaks throughout the day to give your gums a rest.

Aligner Hygiene:

  • Maintain proper aligner hygiene by cleaning your aligners regularly with a soft toothbrush and mild soap to prevent bacteria buildup.
  • Avoid eating or drinking anything other than water while wearing your aligners to minimize the risk of debris getting trapped and causing irritation.

Preventive Measures for Aligner Comfort

Maintaining aligner comfort is essential for a positive Invisalign experience. Consider the following preventive measures:

Optimal Oral Hygiene:

  • Brush and floss your teeth after meals to remove food particles and prevent bacteria buildup, which can contribute to gum irritation.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to clean your teeth and aligners thoroughly.

Orthodontic Accessories:

  • Incorporate chewies into your daily routine to help seat your aligners properly and improve their fit.
  • Chewies are small, soft plastic tubes that can be bitten down on to help ensure aligners are fully seated and snug against your teeth.


Managing aligner-induced gum irritation requires proactive measures and proper care. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you can effectively manage gum irritation associated with your Invisalign aligners. From adjusting your wearing schedule to maintaining proper oral hygiene and utilizing orthodontic accessories, proactive measures can make a significant difference in your comfort. Remember to seek professional assistance if needed, and prioritize your oral health to ensure a smooth and successful Invisalign treatment journey.

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