Recent studies estimate that 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth, and more than 36 million are missing all their natural teeth. If you are missing some or all of your teeth, you already know how tooth loss can take a bite out of everyday life and your self-esteem. At Galleria Dental of Springfield, we can help you regain a comfortable, confident, and complete smile with dentures! Thanks to modern dental technology and high-quality materials, this classic dental restoration is more precise and functional than ever before. Give us a call and schedule your consultation to see if dentures are a good choice for you!
Dentures are a classic means of quickly and comfortably replacing multiple missing teeth at once. With the help of modern precise dental technology, each custom-made denture is carefully crafted for your unique smile. During your consultation, your dentist Dr. Eric L. Tolliver will help you choose the type of denture that’s right for you. We offer several options, including:
For patients who are missing several teeth, partial dentures may be a great choice. Partial dentures are designed to fit around and between your remaining teeth like a puzzle piece. Small clasps or clips that wind around your natural teeth are used to hold the prosthetic in place.
A full denture consists of a complete set of custom-made pearly whites that are set into an acrylic, gum-colored base. The base is designed to fit snugly and comfortably on top of your gums, which creates a strong natural suction that holds it comfortably in place.
As an alternative to traditional removable dentures, you can anchor your new teeth in place with dental implants. This method replaces both the crown and the roots of your missing teeth, which keeps them from slipping out of place or losing their fit. These restorations can even preserve your jawbone to increase the success of your treatment for many years to come. During your consultation, we can discuss your candidacy for hybrid dentures and go over the process in more detail.
Unlike traditional dentures, which typically rely on the natural suction of your gums to remain in place, hybrid dentures are directly anchored to your jawbone via dental implants. These titanium posts are biocompatible, meaning they can effectively integrate with your bone tissue to provide the sturdy foundation your new teeth need to last. Since the implants will serve as your new permanent roots, you shouldn’t experience any irritation on your gum line or other soft oral tissues. With hybrid dentures, you’ll be able to fully replace several or all of your teeth with superior stability for long-lasting results.
After you’ve restored your missing pearly whites with hybrid dentures, you’ll be sure to look and feel great about your natural-looking smile. Here are some of the essential advantages you can expect to enjoy with these restorations:
Your hybrid denture treatment will be completely personalized to address your specific dental needs. This means we can offer multiple options to best approach your situation while providing the stable and long-lasting results you’re looking for. Depending on your oral health and preferences, we can offer solutions like fixed, removable, All-On-4, or implant dentures. While each treatment uniquely addresses your tooth loss, you can be sure to appreciate a reliable procedure and beautiful results!
If you’re struggling with severe tooth loss and want a lasting solution, then hybrid dentures might be right for you. However, the only way to know for sure if this is a viable option for you is by scheduling an initial consultation with our team. We’ll thoroughly evaluate your oral health, review your medical history, and detect any developing or underlying issues that’ll need to be treated ahead of time. For hybrid dentures to work, you’ll need to have a strong and healthy mouth, which includes sufficient bone structure and infection-free gums. Even if you aren’t immediately eligible for your treatment, our team will be more than happy to help you get there with preliminary procedures, such as bone grafting and periodontal therapy.
There are a variety of factors that will go into the cost of your dentures, including the type of denture, whether you need preliminary treatments like a tooth extraction, and if you’re choosing dental implants or not. Most dental insurance policies will cover at least a portion of the cost of your dentures, so feel free to bring your insurance paperwork with you to your consultation and we’ll be happy to review the details with you. We’ll do everything we can to help make sure your new smile is as affordable as possible. Keep reading below to learn more about the cost of dentures.
There are three major factors that will influence the cost of your dentures:
When shopping around for replacement teeth, it’s important to remember that cheaper is not always better. Low-quality dentures tend to break easily or may need to be replaced more often than expected. When it comes to dental restorations, quality is key!
Yes, implant dentures are typically more expensive than traditional dentures. However, implant dentures also provide a number of advantages over the alternatives. For example, because dental implants fuse directly with the jawbone, implant dentures restore nearly full chewing power and never slip or shift. They also appear more lifelike than traditional dentures and can boost your confidence. Finally, implant dentures can last for decades with proper care. If you choose traditional dentures, you can expect to replacement them every 5 to 10 years. So, while implant dentures may cost more upfront, they are actually the smarter investment in the long run.
Most dental insurance plans consider dentures a major procedure and cover around 50% of the cost. However, every insurance plan is slightly different. Before deciding to move forward with getting dentures, be sure to check with your insurance provider to confirm your coverage. Our knowledgeable team will be happy to review your insurance paperwork. We have years of experience helping patients maximize their insurance benefits when restoring their smiles!
There are other options besides dental insurance for making dentures affordable. For instance, qualified patients can access convenient dental financing through CareCredit. A trusted partner, CareCredit’s payment plans allow patients to break down the cost of dentures and other dental care into manageable monthly payments. Most CareCredit plans come with low or no interest, which makes this payment method a great option to avoid strain on your budget while replacing your teeth.
A complete smile and restored dental function is within reach! Schedule a consultation with Dr. Eric Tolliver, an experienced denture dentist, to learn more about the cost of dentures and discuss different payment options.
Dentures are a tried-and-proven solution to treat tooth loss. They’ve been used for generations to rebuild beautiful, functional smiles; however, it’s normal to have a few concerns. We’ll explain everything during your initial consultation. Here are the answers to a few of the most common questions our patients ask us to help calm your nerves.
Your dentist will always do everything they can to save your natural teeth, even if you only have a few healthy ones remaining. Unfortunately, even with the latest advancements in dentistry, there are times your dentist can’t rehabilitate a tooth. As a result, you may need to have one or more extracted, but we’ll explain if it’s necessary at your consultation. Your dentist may suggest they are removed if they are severely damaged by decay, infection, or trauma. In some cases, it can be more cost-effective to remove teeth instead of paying for several restorations. There isn’t any limit to the number of teeth that can be extracted in a single appointment. If your dentist determines it’s best for you to have a tooth or two pulled, we’ll explain what you can expect during your treatment plan.
The thought of being caught without your teeth might make your palms sweat, but you don’t want to sleep in your dentures after the first 24 hours. You’ll need to wear them for one night after receiving them, but afterward, they should be removed before going to bed. Your dentures place pressure on your gums, which reduces blood circulation. Your tissue needs time to rest and regenerate to support your new teeth the following day. It also allows you to clean your mouth and soak your dentures to kill harmful bacteria that can lead to odors, infections, or damage. Wearing your dentures for too long can lead to oral and general health issues, including pneumonia. Your dentures will also wear out quicker, causing them to need to be replaced more often.
You might have heard dentures diminish the taste of food, but that only occurs when the palate covers the roof of the mouth. Many upper dentures are designed to be palate-less. They have a horseshoe shape that looks like a lower denture. This type is also used along with dental implants. Your dentist will explain all your options to choose the right dentist for your needs and preferences.
You can enjoy many of your favorite foods again, including steak. However, you should cut tough meats into small pieces to make them easier to chew. It’s also best to tenderize your meat or choose tenderloin because they don’t require as much chewing. If you’re having difficulty keeping your dentures in place, consider adding an adhesive. Although it is possible to have steak, limit how often you enjoy chewy meats to put less wear and tear on your new smile.