Have you been getting tired of dealing with a denture that slides around all the time? If so, it’s probably an understatement to say that you have difficulty with certain tasks like smiling and eating. Fortunately, you don’t need to deal with slipping dentures forever. At Galleria Dental of Springfield, Dr. Eric Tolliver can secure a custom denture onto a small number of dental implants for maximum stability and a completely natural feel. Contact us today to learn more about how implant dentures can help you smile!
Rather than relying on adhesive, suction, or metal clasps to stay in place, implant dentures are anchored onto dental implants – artificial tooth roots that are surgically positioned in the jawbone. This comprehensive structure gives implant dentures the same stability as the pearly whites you were born with.
When you visit your implant dentist for a consultation, Dr. Tolliver can go over your options in terms of which type of implant denture you would prefer. The two main types are:
Sometimes called hybrid dentures, fixed implant dentures are permanently attached to the implants and can only be taken off by a dental professional. On average, a permanent implant denture requires between four and six implant posts that are strategically inserted along the jawbone.
An implant denture can also be designed so that you can take it out whenever you’d like. Removable implant dentures typically need fewer implant posts than fixed ones, so you might qualify for them even if you have lower jawbone density.
From start to finish, the process of getting implant dentures can span several months to a year or even longer. When you consider that this solution can last for many decades, though, the wait is worth it! Better yet, Dr. Tolliver can complete every step of the process right here in our dental office, so you won’t need to worry about referrals to unfamiliar specialists. These steps include:
Generally, good candidates for dental implants have a healthy mouth that is free of decay and infections. They’re also committed to maintaining daily oral hygiene habits, have a strong jawbone, and are free of overall health conditions that could complicate surgery or healing.
Even if you don’t initially meet all of these criteria, you can most likely become eligible for implant dentures with one of more preliminary treatments. Dr. Tolliver can outline which procedures may be necessary when you visit him for a consultation.
When dentures are secured onto dental implants, they essentially look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. This gives them multiple benefits over traditional dentures alone, such as: